Membership Meetings
Arrive 6:30 PM – Meeting 7:00 PM
Location: Coweta County Fairgrounds 275 Pine Road, Newnan, GA 30263
Come early at 6:30 to visit with friends before supper begins at 7:00. Cost for the meal is $10/person.
Contact Ron Chamberlain for more information at or 770-309-3715.
January 3rd
Sponsor: Smith Food Purina
June 6th
Speaker: Josh Branch
Sponsor: AgSouth Farm Credit
August 1st
Speaker: Samantha Fowler
Sponsor: Farm Service Agency
Sept 6th
Speaker: Jason Duggin, UGA Extention Beef Specialist
Sponsor: Farm Bureau
Nov 7th
Speaker: Alexis Stratham
Mercer University School of Medicine
Dec 12th
Christmas Party!